Welcome to The Architected Intelligent Matter (A.I.M.) lab at the University of Houston. At our lab, we aim to explore both material and geometric behaviors in the design of intelligent matter. We design novel materials by leveraging geometric abstractions and advanced computation, and we demonstrate their unprecedented characteristics through digital fabrication and precision experiments

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We are hiring PhD students! Check out the postings here.

Recent news

May 15, 2024

NASA MIRO Inflatable Deployable Environments and Adaptive Space Systems (IDEAS^2) Center, MUREP Institutional Research Opportunity, NASA


TIP Grant, Sept1, 2024
Broadening Students’ Mental Map between Theoretical and Physical Domains 


Seed Grant, Jul 3, 2024
Awarded the High Priority Area Research Seed Grants, titled: Woven and Knit Textiles for Flexible and Stretchable Batteries


Feb 5, 2024
Our paper “Leveraging the snap buckling of bistable magnetic shells to design a refreshable braille dot” is published in Advanced Materials Technologies.

Jan 16, 2024
Krida, Ilyes is starting his PhD at our lab!

Nov 22, 2023
Algorithmic encoding of adaptive responses in temperature-sensing multimaterial architectures” is published in Science Advances, and was selected for a cover image!

Sep 30, 2023
The Youtube video introducing the paper “Bistable auxetic surface structures” is viewed over 3 Millions times!

Aug 18, 2023
Professor Chen Successfully Hosts Texas Soft Matter Meeting!

Aug 18, 2023
Liu, Pan is starting her PhD at our lab!

May 01, 2023
We got a “Grants to Enhance and Advance Research” , for a proposal titled “Stochastic excitation in the fabrication and characterization of thin elastic shells using acoustics”.

Feb 13, 2023
Krichen, Melek joins our lab as a research assistant!

Jan 30, 2023
Adab, Niloufar joins our lab! She will work on mechanics of reconfigurable metamaterials.

See all the archived news…