We aim to provide a community for our lab members to reach their full potential as researchers, in the hopes that they will go on and continue doing amazing things. Towards that goal, here are several things that we hope are self-evident but we will list them anyway, 1) each person should feel ownership towards their respective project(s), 2) there is full transparency and openness within the group, 3) critique ideas, but never critique people, and 4) have some fun, this is the best job in the world after all
Team members
Tian “Tim” Chen Principal investigator CV | 346-599-7599 tianchen@uh.edu N235, Eng. Bldg. 1 | ||
Yue Wang PhD Candidate ywang298@cougarnet.uh.edu N281, Eng. Bldg. 1 | Pan Liu PhD Candidate pliu28@cougarnet.uh.edu N281, Eng. Bldg. 1 | ||
Ilyes krida PhD Candidate ikrida@cougarnet.uh.edu N281, Eng. Bldg. 1 |
Hedda Grelz Undergraduate Student hagrelz@cougarnet.uh.edu N281, Eng. Bldg. 1 | Bradley Cline Undergraduate Student PURS & REU bradleyscline@gmail.com N281, Eng. Bldg. 1 | ||
Charles Ortiz Undergraduate Student PURS caortiz6@cougarnet.uh.edu N281, Eng. Bldg. 1 | Jacob Tang Undergraduate Student jdtang@usc.edu N281, Eng. Bldg. 1 | ||
Kelvin Shum Undergraduate Student kelvin123.shum@gmail.com N281, Eng. Bldg. 1 | Catherine Bai Undergraduate Student catbai300@gmail.com N281, Eng. Bldg. 1 |
Master Theses
- Schnaubelt, M., (2020), TUM, Germany.
- Koh, M., (2018), Current Position: Research assistant at Gramazio Kohler Research, ETHZ.
- Du Pasquier, C., (2017), Current Position: Doctoral candidate at EDAC, ETHZ.
- Wagner, M., (2016), Current Position: Doctoral candidate at Laboratory of Nanometallurgy, ETHZ.
- Liu, J., (2016), Current Position: Omron Automotive Technologies, Inc., Toronto, ON., Canada.
- Zimmermann, L., (2015), Graduated Dr. Sc. from ETH Zurich.
Other projects
- Martinez, A., (2023)
- Moeller, W., (2023)
- Adab, N., (2023)
- Betancourt, N., (2022)
- Saab, N., (2022)
- Tran, T., (2022)
- Shariff, A., (2022)
- Nguyen, T., (2022)
- Sommer, T., (2022)
- Nguyen, K., (2021)
- Gautier, A., (2020)
- Ebrahimi, R., (2019)
- Ulrich, L., (2018)
- Volk, C., (2018)
- Mueller, M., (2018)
- Freitag, J., (2017)
- Fritzsche, D., (2017)
- Sesseg, J., (2017)
- Felber, R., (2017)
- Koh, M., (2016)