Visit Google Scholar for a list of complete publications


du Pasquier, C., Jeong, Se., Liu, P., Williams, S., Tessmer, L., Scholl, I., Tilton, L., Okamura, A., Tibbits, S., & Chen, T. (2025). “From Fiber to Fabric: Designing the Mechanics of Machine Knitting“

du Pasquier, C., Tessmer, L., Scholl, I., Tilton, L., Chen, T., Tibbits, S., & Okamura, A. (2024). “Haptiknit: Distributed stiffness knitting for wearable haptics” Science Robotics, 9(97), eado3887. [pdf]

Tardio, E.S., Awad, S., Chen, T., & Baxevanis, T. (2024). “Extraction of Mechanical Properties of Shape Memory Alloys From Instrumented Spherical Indentation” Journal of Applied Mechanics, 92, 021001-1. [pdf]

Pathak, P., Majkic, G., Erickson, T., Chen, T., & Selvamanickam, V. (2024). “Two-dimensional X-ray diffraction (2D-XRD) and micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) characterization of additively manufactured 316L stainless steel” Metals, 14(11), 1232. [pdf]

Chapuis, J. N., Wirth, M., Walker, A., Schwarz, J., Lumpe, T. S., Chen, T., Stanković, T. (2024). “EDACFEM: A linear truss and beam solver in MATLAB” SoftwareX, Volume 27. [pdf]

Abbasi, A., Chen, T., Aymon, B. F., & Reis, P. M. (2024). “Leveraging the snap buckling of bistable magnetic shells to design a refreshable braille dot” Advanced Materials Technologies, 9(3), 2301344. [pdf]

Zhang, Z., Brandt, C., Jouve, J., Wang, Y., Chen, T., Pauly, M., Panetta, J. (2023). “Computational Design of Flexible Planar Microstructures” ACM Transactions on Graphics, Volume 42 Issue 6. [pdf]

Xue, J., Baizhikova, Z., Ballarini, R., and Chen, T., (2023). “Creating Geometric Imperfections in Thin-Walled Structures using Acoustic Excitation” ASME. J. Appl. Mech. [pdf]

Li, W., Wang, Y., Chen, T., Zhang, XS. (2023). “Algorithmic encoding of adaptive responses in temperature-sensing multimaterial architectures” Sci. Adv. 9, eadk0620. [pdf]

Koh, M., Wang, Y., Shea, K., and Chen, T. (2023). “Shape reconfiguring bistable structures using heat activated fibers” Engineering Structures. 295, 116792. [pdf]

Grelz, H., Chen, T. (2023). “Intelligent matter that senses, calculates, and reacts: A story of electronics, computation, and mechanics” Matter, 6(8), 2550-2552. [pdf]

Chen, T. (2023). “Programming material logic using magnetically controlled bistability” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120.17: e2304391120. [pdf]

Roshdy, M., Chen, T., Nakhmanson, S., Bilal, R. O. (2023). “Tunable ferroelectric auxetic metamaterials for guiding elastic waves in three-dimensions” Extreme Mechanics Letters, 101966. [pdf]

Poincloux, S., Vallat, C., Chen, T., Sano, G. T., Reis, M. P. (2023). “Indentation and stability of woven domes” Extreme Mechanics Letters, 101968. [pdf]

Wirth, M., Shea, K., & Chen, T. (2022). “3D-printing textiles: multi-stage mechanical characterization of additively manufactured biaxial weaves” Materials & Design, 111449. [pdf]

Wang, Y., Ren, Y., & Chen, T. (2022). “From kirigami to hydrogels: a tutorial on designing conformally transformable surfaces” Journal of Applied Mechanics, 90(4), 044801. [pdf]

Ren, Y., Kusupati, U., Panetta, J., Isvoranu, F., Pellis, D., Chen, T., & Pauly, M. (2022). “Umbrella meshes: elastic mechanisms for freeform shape deployment” ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), 41(4), Article 152, Best Paper Award Honorable Mention. [pdf]

Baek, C., Martin, A., Poincloux, S., Chen, T., & Reis, M. P. (2021). “Smooth triaxial weaving with naturally curved ribbons” Phys. Rev. Lett., 127(10), 104301, Editors’ Suggestion, cover article. [pdf]
- Physics magazine synopsis: The Geometry of Basket Weaving
- Nature review physics: Weaving smooth 3D shapes with curved ribbons

Chen, T., Panetta, J., Schaubelt, M., Pauly, M. (2021). “Bistable Auxetic Surface Structures” ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), 40(4), Article 39. [pdf]

Ren, Y., Panetta, J., Chen, T., Isvoranu, F., Poincloux, S., Brandt, C., Martin, A., Pauly, M. (2021). “3D Weaving with Curved Ribbons” ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), 40(4), Article 127. [pdf]

Panetta, J., Isvoranu, F., Chen, T., Siefert, E., Roman, B., Pauly, M. (2021). “Computational Inverse Design of Surface-based Inflatables” ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), 40(4), Article 40. [pdf]

Poincloux, S., Chen, T., Audoly, B., & Reis, M. P. (2021). “Bending Response of a Book with Internal Friction“. Phys. Rev. Lett., 126(21), 218004, Editors’ Suggestion. [pdf]

Chen, T., & Shea, K. (2021). “Computational design of multi-stable, reconfigurable surfaces” Materials & Design, 205, 109688. [pdf]

Chen, T., Pauly, M., & Reis, M. P. (2021). “Metamaterial with Reprogrammable Mechanical Properties and Stable Memory” Nature, 589(7842), 386–390. [pdf]
- Nature news and views: Mechanical memory written and read remotely

Chen, T., Bilal, R.O., Lang, R., Daraio, C., & Shea, K., (2019),”Autonomous Deployment of a Solar Panel Using an Elastic Origami and Distributed Shape Memory Polymer Actuators“, Physical Review Applied, 11(6), 064069, Editors’ Suggestion. [pdf]
- Physics magazine Focus story: Folded Solar Panel Opens Without Power Source
- TechCrunch: This solar array expands itself at the right temperature

Du Pasquier, C., Chen, T., Tibbits, S., & Shea, K., (2019),”Design and Computational Modeling of a 3D Printed Pneumatic Toolkit for Soft Robotics“, Soft Robotics, 6(5), 657-663. [pdf]

Wagner, M. A., Lumpe, T. S., Chen, T., & Shea, K. (2019), “Programmable, active lattice structures: Unifying stretch-dominated and bending-dominated topologies” Extreme Mechanics Letters, 29: 100461. [pdf]

Chen, T., Bilal, R.O., Shea, K., & Daraio, C., (2018), “Harnessing Bistability for Directional Propulsion of Untethered, Soft Robots“, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 115 (22), 5698-5702. [pdf]

Chen, T., & Shea, K., (2018), “An Autonomous Programmable Actuator and Shape Reconfigurable Structures using Bistability and Shape Memory Polymers“, 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing, 5(2), 91-101. [pdf]

Schwarz, J., Chen, T., Shea, K., & Stankovic, T., (2018), “An Efficient Size and Shape Optimization of Large Scale Truss Structures Subject to Stress and Buckling Constraints“, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 58(1), 171-184. [pdf]

Zimmermann, L., Chen, T., & Shea, K., (2018), “Generalizing the Link between 3D Spatial Grammars and Finite Element Analysis for Structural Engineering Design Automation”, Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing, 32(2), 189-199.

Wagner, M., Chen, T., & Shea, K., (2017), “Large Shape Transforming 4D Auxetic Structures Using a 3D Printed Shape Memory Polymer“, 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing, 4(3), 133-142. [pdf]

Chen, T., Mueller, J., & Shea, K., (2017), “Integrated Design and Simulation of Tunable, Multi-State Structures Fabricated Monolithically with Multi-Material 3D Printing“, Scientific Reports, 7, 45671. [pdf]